GHRP-6 is an injectable peptide in the category of growth hormone releasing peptides, or GHRP’s. The most common use of these peptides is to increase GH production. Other peptides in this category include GHRP-2, hexarelin, and ipamorelin. With regard to increasing GH, all of these work similarly, and there is no need or advantage to combining them. Instead, the one most suited for the particular case is chosen.
The principal use of GHRP-6 is to provide increased GH levels, which also results in increased IGF-1 levels. This aids fat loss and in some instances aids muscle gain as well. Generally, GHRP use is chosen as an alternate to GH use, and only rarely is combined with GH.
Reasons to prefer GHRP-6 over other GHRP’s are its effect on increasing appetite (which also can be a disadvantage), and its demonstrated value in reducing inflammation and helping to heal injury, particularly tendinitis.
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