

Methenolone (more commonly known as Primobolan Depot and rebranded as Rimobolan by Bayer AG) – is an anabolic steroid derivative of Dihydrotestosterone with weak Androgenic activity and a moderate anabolic effect. Rimobolan is the injectable form of the drug, which is an ester of Methenolone Enanthate. Duration of the injectable form’s action is long, approximately two weeks (due to the gradual transition of the preparation from muscles to the blood). Rimobolan is similar to Testosterone enanthate in duration of action. The main disadvantage of this form is painful injections.


The anabolic effect of Rimobolan is quite mild and comparable to the Deca, so this sterod is most often used during the cutting cycle, where the main aim is not to gain muscle mass but to keep it. Methenolone has minimal rollback phenomenon, however, many athletes are dissatisfied with the results obtained after Rimobolan only cycle if the goal was to increase muscle mass.

Rimobolan slightly reduces production of testosterone. Its overwhelming impact is weaker than testosterone and Nandrolone. Studies show that Rimobolan cycle at a dose of 40 mg (oral) suppresses testosterone levels by 50%. A significant reduction in endogenous testosterone production is only observed at long cycles with high doses of the steroid. In these cases, during the cycle, it is required to use gonadotropin, otherwise testicular atrophy may develop. Due to low androgenic effect, Rimobolan practically does not cause baldness. Usually methenolone causes side effects such as aggression, anxiety, insomnia, and the rise of liver enzymes when used at high doses.

Rimobolan can be considered one of the safest Anabolic steroids available on the market.


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