
Dysport contains the substance called botulinum toxin type A as its active ingredient. Inactive ingredients of Dysport include human albumin, lactose and protein from cow’s milk.


Dysport contains the substance called botulinum toxin type A as its active ingredient. Inactive ingredients of Dysport include human albumin, lactose and protein from cow’s milk.

Dysport was originally developed for the treatment of neurological and ophthalmic conditions in the early 1990s in the United Kingdom and has established clinical success. Patients with excessive sweating under the armpits (axillary hyperhidrosis) are also treated with this product.

Mode of Administration

Dysport is administered through intramuscular injection on the affected muscles. It should be performed by a health care provider who is trained and has the skill of identifying the essential attributes of muscles.

For the treatment of cervical Dystonia: Dysport is administered with the initial divided dose of Dysport 500IU? given through intramuscular injection in affected muscles. Depending upon the result of treatment and patient’s response to medication, Dysport may be administered every 12-16 weeks or as prescribed by Doctor with a dosage between 250 to 1000 units.

For the improvement of Glabellar lines: Dysport is administered intramuscularly in the affected muscles not exceeding the total dose of 50 Units, divided in 10 aliquot units or for 5 equal dosages.

Intervals or frequency for re-treatment must not transpire less than 3 months (12 weeks) following the previous injection or administration.


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