CJC-1295 DAC, also known as DAC:GRF, (short for drug affinity complex : growth hormone-releasing factor), is a synthetic analogue of growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) (also known as growth hormone-releasing factor (GRF)) and a growth hormone secretagogue (GHS) while preserving GH pulsatility.
This stimulation in turn is the basis for its effects, confirmed in various studies in animals and humans. This peptide contains an additive called DAC – Drug Affinity Complex, which is added to the CJC-1295 molecule via a lysine linker, and provides protection during circulation in the bloodstream.
The DAC enhances the pharmacokinetics of the peptide, and allows it to bind to the blood protein albumin. Thereby extending the half-life of CJC-1295 relative to other similar analogue molecules and natural GHRH itself.
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